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Never Stop Peaking - Motivation for Your Creative Maniac Mind

Sep 27, 2021

In this episode, we dive deep into the exploration of good vs. bad and the duality of wholeness. No pee-pants, no dance.

I share a few insights from Alan Watts and Terence McKenna, and answer the question of "What is missing in your life?"

Aug 10, 2021

36 Hours Left on the Kickstarter for Sweet-Ass Affirmations 2.0 Card Deck: Click Here. 

Some questions from this episode:

How are you generating, optimizing, and spending your life-force energy?

Are you leaning deeply into your excitements, loves, and weirdness?

Or, are you suppressing that deep creative explosion...

Jul 14, 2021

Kickstarter link:

Earlybird rewards are now available! Twin-packs and 5-packs available (+ a Skid the Unisquid exclusive kickstarter gold pin)!

In this episode, I pull random cards from the new Sweet-Ass Affirmations 2 card deck to celebrate its launch on Kickstarter. 

We will explore topics...

Jul 13, 2021


On Wed, July 14th at 10am EST, the Kickstarter for the new Sweet-Ass Affirmations 2 card deck goes live. This deck is great for affirmation angels, oracle wizards, tarot witches, and creative maniacs in general.

In this episode, I am going to share all of the things I've learned over years of running Kickstarter...

Jul 1, 2021

New Kickstarter coming July 13th:


The difference between affirmations that work and affirmations that don't is in your approach. 

In this episode, I break down the madness of life and the true way to use affirmations to your advantage. 

I also introduce my new podcast: Power...