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Never Stop Peaking - Motivation for Your Creative Maniac Mind

Nov 25, 2020

Join me in a cosmic exploration of how to be raw and real in a world full of plastic illusion and confusion (plus some other kinky stuff that went down in Tuscaloosa).

Hold on tight!

Never Stop Peaking Website

Sweet-Ass Affirmations...

Nov 3, 2019


Liz Sampey is the women’s record holder for the fastest time in the AZT 750 race, the world’s largest single-track bike race.  I met her in Indonesia in November of 2018, and she left a permanent inspirational impression on me thereafter.  I spent a few hours over breakfast with...

Oct 25, 2019

In the opinion of the beautiful brain sheltered within my skull, travel is the most magical and effective form of education. The experience of differing worlds, the virgin interactions with culture, and the pure disconnection from our routine lives are all packed with infinite wisdom, humility, growth and...

Oct 20, 2019

Levi Barker is remarkable Bwiti Iboga provider and facilitator at Iboga Wellness Center in Costa Rica. After being addicted to opiates throughout a large chunk of his twenties and thirties, Levi discovered the life-altering transformational and healing powers of Iboga, a plant medecine native to the Gabon and Cameroon...

Jun 13, 2019

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When was the last time you were outside, laying on your back with your big beautiful eyes gazing at the stars without distraction? In those moments, the only thing that seems to run through my mind is...