Aug 10, 2021
36 Hours Left on the Kickstarter for Sweet-Ass Affirmations 2.0 Card Deck: Click Here.
Some questions from this episode:
How are you generating, optimizing, and spending your life-force energy?
Are you leaning deeply into your excitements, loves, and weirdness?
Or, are you suppressing that deep creative explosion of curiosity and color because the resistance and fear gremlin mafia told you it was the “right thing to do?”
What happens if you unlearn, un-adapt, and peel back all the bullshit stuck to your identity and lifestyle that was splattered on you by others?
Kinky Links
Sweet-Ass Affirmations 2.0 is Live on Kickstarter
New Podcast: 60 Second Power Affirmations for Your Creative Maniac Mind